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ASTM D3330 Test Method for Pressure-Sensitive Tape

In terms of ASTM D3330, there are six test methods with different conditions required and the type of pressure-sensitive.

Test method A measures the adherence of a single-coated tape which applies to a standard test panel with controlled pressure as the tape is peeled at 180 angles.

Test method B measures the adherence to the backing of a single-coated tape. Test method B is similar to test method A. The difference between the two is that one tape is applied to the backing of another tape. Then, the rest process is the same as that of test method A.

Test Method C is designed for double-coated tapes which consist of face side and liner side. To test adherence of the face side, the face side of the tape is down and applied to a stainless steel panel, remove the liner and put a trip of polyester film onto the liner side. The do the process as the test method A. Meanwhile, when testing the adherence of the liner side of the tape, put the liner side down and stick to the stainless steel, the face side is attached to a strip of polyester film.

Test Method D is for the measurement of the adherence of the release liner.

Test Method E refers to the adhesive transfer tape. The process of method E is the same as that of method C. It can be divided into two parts, one is for the face side, the other is the liner side.

Test Method F is getting the values of adhesion of single-coated tape as peeling at 90 angles. The tape is attached to a standard panel.


ASTM D3330 Instrument to Test Pressure-Sensitive Tape

From A-F, A and B are used widely compared to the other four ones. With ASTM D3330 standard, Saicheng's BLD-200H Peel Strength Tester is a professional instrument that can be used to test peel strength of adhesive laminated products, medical adhesive bandage, release paper, and protective films.

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